Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
3352 "New Stadium Brings Top Scholastic Football."
3354 68th U.S. Open Golf Championship, June 13-16, 1968, Oak Hill Country Club, Rochester, N.Y.
3355 "Story of Rochester's Amerks."
3245 "35th Anniversary--Junior League of Rochester."
3228 Lewis Street Center, Fiftieth Anniversary, 1907-1957: Fifty Years of Service to Our Neighborhood.
3230 The People's Rescue Mission, 1889-1939.
3232 "Social Change through Social Action: The Story of the Baden Street Settlement."
3282 Youth Services Guide: A Joint Effort of the National Council of Jewish Women--Rochester Section: Psychodiagnostic Laboratory, Department of Pediatrics, University of Rochester; Rochester-Monroe County Youth Board.
3221 Baden Street Settlement, 1901-1926.
3222 The Baden Street Settlement, 1901-1949.
3184 Organization of the Local Visiting Committee, for the Public Institutions of Charity, the Department of Out-Door Relief, and the Jail, in Monroe County, State of New York, with the Constitution and By-Laws.
3249 The Children's Playground League, 1908.
3330 Oak Hill Country Club: Plans for Further Development.
3322 "First Masonic Lodge."
3323 "Mt. Vernon Lodge Observes Centennial."
3351 "Major-League Citizens of Rochester."
6545 Seth Green and the Caledonia Fish Hatchery: Centennial, 1864-1964.
6520 A Brief History; Association for the Blind of Rochester.
6533 Masonic Fair Souvenir: Held in Masonic Temple, Rochester, N.Y., December First to Thirteenth, Nineteen Hundred Two.
6534 One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration of Olive Branch Lodge No. 39, Free and Accepted Masons, LeRoy, New York: Saturday, May 13, 1961.
3265 Hand Book of the Rochester Child Welfare Exhibit ...
3241 "My Work in Rochester, by a Factory Girl."
5592 The
5594 Geneva Rotary Club, 1919-1954. Thirty-fifth Anni-versary.
3333 ADAMS, JOSEPH T. "Red ,Wing Stadium Observing Twenty-Fifth Anniversary."
3306 ADELPHOI, CHRISTIANOI. Thirty-Five Years of Alphi Chi ... 1888-1923.
3177 AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL UNION. Articles of Confederation, Entered into by the Several Associations Hereinafter Named: Jefferson Co. Industrial Associ-ation, Bloomfield Union Association, Sodus Bay Phalanx, and Rush Industrial Association,
3288 ANDERSON, WALFRED A. The Membership of Farmers in New York Organizations.”
3289 ANDERSON, WALFRED A. “The Composition of Rural Households.”
3186 ANGELL, ROBERT C. “Gorge City.”
3348 ANGEVINE, ELBERT. Parade of the Grid Ghosts; the Story of Football in Rochester.
3349 ANGEVINE, ELBERT. Basketball in Rochester.
6536 ASTIFAN, PRISCILLA. Baseball in the 19th Century.
3234 BACON, JESSIE. Centennial Review of the Rochester Female Charitable Society, 1822-1922.
3187 BAKER, RAY S. “'Do It for Rochester'; A Study of the Extraordinary Social Changes Going on at Rochester, New York ...”
3223 BARBOUR, CLARENCE A. Historical Address on the Occasion of the Sixteenth Anniversary of the People's Rescue Mission.
5590 BARNES, JOSEPH W. “Katharine B. Davis and the Workingman's Model Home of 1893.” "
3188 BARNES, JOSEPH W. “Friend of Every Friendless Beast: A Centennial History of the Humane Society of Rochester and Monroe County.”
6544 BARSHIED, ROBERT D., and B. E. ANDERSON and DONALD L. LONGACRE Seth Green's Hatchery - 1980.
3290 BARTLETT, R.W. “The Organization and Development of Cooperative Fire Insurance Companies in New York.”
3235 BARTOSHESKY. FLORENCE, and BARBARA BLOOMER. Alternative Occupation for Women: Prostitution in Rochester, New York, 1860-1875.
6554 BASIL, MAUREEN Tennis Club of Rochester, 1886-1986.
6532 BEAN, CHARLES D. Charles D. Bean Reviews History of Masonry in Geneva; the Organization of Ark Lodge and the Masonic Homes in this City.
3319 BECKER, JOHN E. A History of Free Masonry in Waterloo, New York, 1817 1942 ...
6537 BENSON, MICHAEL. Ballparks of North America, a Comprehensive Historical Reference to Baseball Grounds, Yards and Stadiums, 1845 to Present.
3259 BLACKALL, GERTRUDE C. "The Rochester Boys' Evening Home."
3197 BOOKMAN, CLARENCE M. A Study of the Community Chest and Council of Social Agencies of Rochester, New York; also a Study of Seven Surveys from the Community Organization Standpoint.
3291 BOOTH, J.F. “Farmers' Cooperative Business Organizations in New York.”
5589 BOTTS, HANK. Encounter Time: Metro-Act and the Sores of Discontent.
3248 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA. Rochester Council. Rochester Council Boy Scouts of America, Camp Committee Report on Development of Seneca Lake Camp Site, October 22, 1926.
5593 BROWN, RICHARD H. “A Masonic Guide for the Empire State: Wherein Are Listed Buildings, Sites, Monuments and Legends of Interest to Freemasons.”
3307 BUNNELL, ALONZO G. “Odd Fellowship in Livingston County.”
6547 CARPER, STEVE. From Flower Pots to Giant Oaks.
6546 CARROLL, BOB. No Heart at Home.
6521 CATALDO, MIMA, et al. The Women's Encampment for a Future of Peace and Justice; Images and Writings.
3260 CHANNING, ALICE. "Unemployed Boys and Girls in Rochester and Utica, New York."
3250 CHIPMAN, SAMUEL. A Report to the Managers of the House for Idle and Truant Children, with Facts and Anecdotes Showing the Intellectual and Moral Improvement of the Children.
3218 CITIZENS PLANNING COUNCIL. Volunteer Opportunities--People Helping People.
3334 COCHRANE, HESTER HOPKINS. "The Great Auburn Tournament."
3320 COLLINS, LEWIS D. One Hundredth Anniversary, Western Star Chapter, No. 35, R.A.M.
3283 COMMUNITY CHEST. A Survey of the Care of the Aged of Rochester, New York.
3220 COMMUNITY CHEST. Directory of Community Services in Rochester and Monroe County.
3261 COMMUNITY CHEST. A Study of the Child-Caring Services of Rochester, June, 1937.
3198 COMMUNITY CHEST. ... A Record of Fifteen Years to March 31, 1933, Giving Detailed Information Concerning the Amount Pledged, Amount Collected, A Amount Paid Out and Purposes for Which Expended, together with Costs of Oper-ation.
3262 COMMUNITY CHEST. A Survey of the Character Building Agencies in Rochester, New York.
3201 COMMUNITY CHEST. Community Social Services--Needs, Priorities and Long-Range Plan.
3199 COMMUNITY CHEST. A Survey of the Family Agencies and Certain. Related Ser vices of Rochester, New York.
3200 COMMUNITY CHEST. This Is Your Community Chest: Its History, Philosophy and Operation.
3274 COMMUNITY CHEST. Coordination and Centralization of Day Care Services in the Greater Rochester Area, March 1975-April 1976. ... Final Report.
3275 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Finding More Foster Homes: A Special. Re-cruitment Campaign.
3202 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Some Facts, Policies and Recommendations Per-taining to the Social Agencies of Rochester, N.Y.
3203 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Cost and Volume of Social Work in Rochester, New York.
3204 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Where We've Been and Where We Are: Some Facts about Health and Welfare Services and Expenditures.
3205 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Supplement or Substitute: An Introduction to Long Range Planning for the Social Services of Rochester and Monroe County.
3263 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Memorandum on the Child Welfare Program, Rochester, New York.
3284 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Study of the Care of the Aged in Rochester, New York.
3217 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Directory of Community Services in Rochester and Monroe County, 1970.
3224 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. A Report on the Self-Studies of the Five Rochester Settlements and the Report of the City-Wide Settlement of Study Com-mittee.
3215 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Volunteer Handbook.
3216 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Directory of Health, Welfare and Recreation Services, Rochester and Monroe County, N.Y.
6522 DEGOLYER, CALVIN. The Castile Community Club.
3213 DENNIS, ALICE MARKHAM. "Rochester Social Service Directory."
3292 DORN, HAROLD F. “711e Social and Economic Areas of Yates County, New York.”
3266 DOW, HARRIET BROWN. "Saving Our Rochester Bambini."
3321 DRAGT, CLAUDE S. Eagle Lodge No. 619, Free and Accepted Masons: History of Eagle Lodge and Souvenir Program of the 100th Anniversary Celebration.
3237 DUANE, ROSALIND G. "A Study of Attitudes in Church and School-Sponsored Girl Scout Troops toward Four Minority Groups."
6523 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY. Kodak Faces the Urban Crisis: A Report.
6548 EHLING, WILLIAM P. Fifty Hikes in Central New York: Hikes and Backpacking Trips From the Western Adirondacks to the Finger Lakes.
6540 EHLING, WILLIAM P. Canoeing Central New York.
3293 ELLIOTT, CHARLES H., JR. “The Changing Farm Housing Inventory.”
3206 FAMILY WELFARE SOCIETY. The Social Welfare League of Rochester, Inc. (Formerly the United Charities), 1911-1926.
3189 FOLEY, DONALD L. Neighbors or Urbanites? The Study of a Rochester Residential District.
3310 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Masons in the Burns Block.
3343 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Aquatic Sports on the Genesee River.
3264 FORM, WILLIAM H. "A Comparative Study of the Membership of Rochester's Character Building Agencies, 1938, and the Population of Rochester, New York with Special Reference to Their Youth Groups."
3313 FREEMASONS. Knights Templars. History of Monroe Commandery, No. 12, K.T. Stationed at Rochester, N.Y., 1826-1914.
3311 FREEMASONS. Yonnondio Lodge, no. 163. Yonnondio Lodge, no. 163, F. & A.M., Rochester, New York ... The History Prepared for the Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary ...
3312 FREEMASONS. Germania Lodge, no. 722. Membership List, 1928. Germania Lodge, No. 722, F. & A.M., Chartered March 1872.
3276 GARBER, MARY F. A Survey of Day Care Needs in Rochester and Monroe County.
3294 GARVER, JOHN B. “The Geography of Poverty in New York State; A Selective Analysis.”
3225 GATES, HERBERT W. For the People of Brick Church and Their Neighbors.
3314 GLIDDON, THOMAS. History of Hamilton Chapter, No. 62, Royal Arch Masons ... together with the By-Laws, and a Tabulated List of Officers and Members.
3315 GLIDDON, THOMAS. By-Laws of Monroe Commandery, No. 12, K.T., Stationed at Rochester, N.Y. Also a History of the Commandery ...
3226 GRAY, RALPH L. The Effectiveness of the Neighborhood Unit Service Organization in Rochester, New York.
3344 GRINNELL, LAWRENCE I. Canoeable Waterways of New York State and Vicinity.
3238 HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. "The Rochester Female Charitable Society."
3350 HANMER-CROUGHTON, ANN. "Bicycles and Sidepaths."
3295 HARPER, F. A. “Cooperative Purchasing and Marketing Organizations in New York State.”
6555 HARRISON, ANN. New York's National Wildlife Refuges.
3190 HECHT, PAMELA K. Differential Perceptions of a Local Community Area.
5591 HEWITT, NANCY A. Women's Activism and Social Change: Rochester, New York, 1822-1872.
3251 HILLSIDE HOME FOR CHILDREN. Hillside Centennial, 1837-1937.
6524 HODGE, KATHERINE TALBOT. History of the Woman's Educational and Industrial Union, 1893-1943.
3296 HOFSOMMER, HAROLD C. “Relation of Cities and Larger Villages to Changes in Rural Trade and Social. Areas in Wayne County, New York.”
3178 HOLTON, GLADYS REID. “Our Yesterday,” a Fifty Year History of the Webster Woman's Christian Temperance Union.
3327 HOSMER, HOWARD C. Through Half a Century, Commemorating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of the Country Club of Rochester.
3328 HOSMER, HOWARD C. The Year of the Diamond: Being an Account of the First Seventy-Five Years of the Country Club of Rochester, N.Y., Founded 1895.
3329 HOSMER, HOWARD C. From Little Acorns: The Story of Oak Hill, 1901-1976...
6530 HOSMER, HOWARD C. From Little Acorns: The Story of Oak Hill, 1901-1986, the eighty-five year account of the history of Oak Hill Country Club, Rochester, New York.
6526 HUFF, ROBERT A. Anne Miller and the Geneva Political Equality Club, 1897-1912.
6527 HUTH, MARY M. Records of Women's Organizations in the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections.
3266 HYNES, MARGARET D. "Influence of Women in the Life of Rochester."
3207 JACOBSON, ISRAEL G. A Historical Study of the Community Organization Pro-cesses Involved in the Organization and Early Growth of a Council of Social Agencies.
3252 JEWISH ORPHAN ASYLUM ASSOCIATION. Five Years of Service to Jewish Children of Rochester by Jewish Children's Bureau.
3253 JEWISH ORPHAN ASYLUM ASSOCIATION. Jewish Children's Home, Rochester, N.Y., Silver Anniversary.
3227 JONES, ELSIE VOORHEES. The Third Church and the Community.
3339 KELLEY, MICHAEL. Valley Horses: A Book about and for Those Who Love Fox Hunting in the Genesee Valley.
6552 KIEL, DAVID L. The Many Uses of Carlton Hill.
3285 KING, HOMER W. Fifty Years of Caring: Rochester Presbyterian Home, 1925-1975.
3208 KIRK, WILLIAM. "Our Confidential Exchange Bureau."
3286 LE BOVIT, CORINNE, and DOROTHY A. BAKER. Food Consumption and Dietary Levels of Older Households in Rochester New York. (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Home Economics Research Report No. 25)
3191 LEAGUE OF CIVIC CLUBS. Rochester Social Centers and Civic Clubs; Story of the First Two Years.
5596 LEARNED, A.M. 75 Years of Hobart Football.
3239 LINN, EDITH WILLIS. "Wrong Girls and Wronged."
3179 LOMB, HENRY. Proposition and Plan for the Formation of a National People's Mutual Aid Society.
3267 LOWE, JOHN C. The Boys: A Study of a Contemporary Juvenile Gang.
6549 LYONS, CHUCK. Moving Along: The Finger Lakes Trail.
6542 MAGUIRE, THOMAS P. Big Lakers on Seneca.
3335 McCARTHY, WILLIAM F. Rochester Diamond Echoes.
3193 McKELVEY, BLAKE. “A History of Social Welfare in Rochester.”
3180 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Historic Origins of Rochester's Social Welfare Agencies.
3192 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Walter Rauschenbusch's Rochester.
3254 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Y.M.C.A.'s First Century in Rochester.
3194 McKELVEY, BLAKE. “A Semi-Centennial Review of Family Service of Rochester, Inc.”
3331 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Rochester Learns to Play: 1850-1900.
3308 McKELVEY, BLAKE. A History of the Rochester City Club.
3297 MELVIN, BRUCE L. “Village Service Agencies, New York, 1925.”
3340 MENARD, JEANNE. History of the Genesee Valley Hunt, 1876-1959: A Bib-liography.
3209 MINER, EDWARD G. The Formation of the United Charities of Rochester, New York (now Known as the Social Welfare League).
3345 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council- Design for Boating.
3229 MONTGOMERY NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER. Six Years at a Glance, 1952-1958. A Report of Montgomery Neighborhood Center, Inc.
3240 MOORE, Mrs. George H. "Rochester's 3,500 Rooming Girls."
3316 MORGAN, C.A. A History of Rochester Lodge of Perfection, Rochester Council Princes of Jerusalem, Rochester Chapter of Rose Croix, Rochester Consistory, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, 1867-1967...
3298 MOWERY, ELIZABETH B. The Community as a Context for the Development of Housing: A Study of Orleans County, New York.
3317 MULLAN, JOHN B. “Early Masonic History in Rochester.”
6528 MURRAY, HARRY. Do Not Neglect Hospitality; The Catholic Worker and the Homeless.
3256 N.Y. Assembly. Special Committee Appointed to Investigate the Management of the Western House of Refuge. Report ... with Testimony Taken. (N.Y. Assembly Document no. 156, 1884)
3255 N.Y. Board of Charities. "Findings and Conclusions on an Investigation of the Rochester Orphan Asylum ... 1889," in the Board's Annual Report, pp. 55-113. (N.Y. Senate Document no. 9)
6525 National Council of Jewish Women, Greater Rochester Section. The Homeless Guide: Shelter, Clothing, Food, Related Services, Hotlines
3346 NEWELL, GEORGE H. Chips from Our Log, or, Glimpses of Life Aboard the Yacht "Ripple."
3242 NIENBURG, BERTHA M. The Woman Home-Maker in the City: A Study of Sta-tistics Relating to Married Women in the City of Rochester, N.Y. at the Census of 1920.
3182 NORDHOFF, CHARLES. The Communistic Societies of the United States: from Personal Visit and Observation ...
3183 NOYES, JOHN HUMPHREY. History of American Socialism.
6556 OLAH, JOHN. Tor Trek.
3353 PARKER, ARTHUR C. "A Thousand Visitations of an Area."
3341 PEER, FRANK S. The Hunting Field with Horse and Hound in America, the British Isles and France.
3336 REMINGTON, JOHN L. The Red Wings--A Love Story: A Pictorial History of Professional Baseball in Rochester, New York.
6550 REZELMAN, JEAN DOREN. Early Work on the Finger Lakes Trail.
3257 RICHARDSON, IDA KLEIN. A Study in Institutional and Foster Home Care for Dependent Children; Based on a Sample Survey of the Former Residents and Later Foster home Placements of the Jewish Orphan Asylum Association of Western New York (Now Functioning Locally under the Name Jewish Children's Bureau--Rochester, N.Y.)
3231 ROBINSON, Mrs. Charles M. "What I Found on Lewis Street."
3277 ROCHESTER & MONROE COUNTY YOUTH BOARD. Youth Program Directory, Summer, 1968.
3278 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Joint City-County Youth Board, Rochester and Monroe County.
3210 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Memorandum on Rochester Social Welfare Activities.
3211 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. General Study of Cost and Volume of Social Welfare Activities in Rochester, N.Y. ...
3212 ROCHESTER REGIONAL RESEARCH LIBRARY COUNCIL. Social Sciences Statistics Fact Finder for Greater Rochester ...
6553 ROCHESTER TURNERS, INC. Historical Journal; a Souvenir of the Centennial Celebration of the Rochester Turners, Inc., January 1st to December 31st, 1952.
3347 ROCHESTER YACHT CLUB. Rounding the Century Mark: One Hundred Years at Rochester Yacht Club, 1877-1977.
3270 ROCHESTER. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Youth Committee. Manual of Services to Rochester Youth.
3268 ROCHESTER. School Census Board. "Children Arranged According to Country of Birth, Occupation, Sex, and Certain Age Classifications."
3269 ROCHESTER. School Census Board. "The Child in Industry: A Survey of the Employment of Five Thousand Children in Rochester."
6539 ROTH, MARK and SALLY WALTERS. 20 Bicycle Tours in the Finger Lakes.
3342 ROWE, MARTHA BELKNAP. "Wyoming Gun Club."
3195 RUMBALL, EDWIN A. “The Fourth Ward Survey.”
3243 RUMBALL, EDWIN A., and CATHERINE. "The Working Girls and Women of Rochester."
3244 RUMBALL, EDWIN A., and CATHERINE. "What to Do with Sex Slavery in the Community."
3299 SANDERSON, DWIGHT. “Rural Social and Economic Areas in Central New York.”
6535 SARACHAN, HERMAN A. The History of Flower City Lodge No. 910, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York.
3318 SARACHAN, HERMAN A. A History of Masonry in Monroe County: 1810-1970.
3326 SEAVER, DAVID. Freemasonry at Batavia, N.Y., 1811-1891.
6541 SEBRING, THOMAS A. A Fine Romance, Canoeing in Upstate New York.
6538 SENZEL, HOWARD. Baseball and the Cold War, Being a Soliloquy on the Necessity of Baseball.
3337 SEYMOUR, HAROLD. "How Baseball Began."
3271 SHEDD, JESSIE M. "Aid for Crippled Children in Rochester."
3332 SMITH, VIRGINIA JEFFREY. “Fun at the Falls of the Genesee.”
3300 SPENCER, LELAND. “An Economic Study of Rural Store Credit in New York.”
6543 SPRAGUE, ARNOLD. Fishing Along Tonawanda Creek.
3324 STELTER, JOHN H. History of Ark Lodge No. 33 F. & A.M., 1807-1957.
3325 STELTER, JOHN H. History Royal Arch Masonry, Geneva, N.Y., 1809-1964.
5595 STELTER, JOHN H. “History of Freemasonry in Ontario County, New York.”
3287 STERNE, RICHARD S., and others. The Urban Elderly Poor; Racial and Bureaucratic Conflict.
6531 STRAKOSH, WALTER C., and HOWARD C. HOSMER. A Century of Sociability, the Genesee Valley Club (1885-1985).
3301 TAYLOR, EDWARD A. “The Relationship of the Open-Country Population of Genesee County, New York, to Villages and Cities.”
3302 THURLOW, MILDRED B. “Interests, Activities, and Problems of Rural Young Folk. I: Women 15 to 29 Years of Age.” ; “II. Men 15 to 29 Years of Age,” by W. A. Anderson and Willis Kerns.
3272 THURSTON, HENRY W. "Condensed Report of a Survey of Juvenile Delinquency in Rochester, New York."
3338 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "International Cricket at Jones Square."
3214 VAN ZANDT, RAYMOND P., comp. A Handbook of Social Agencies of Rochester.
3309 VIRGADAMO, NICHOLAS, ed. The Knights of Columbus in the State of New York, 1891-1968 ...
3219 VOCATIONS FOR SOCIAL CHANGE. Rochester People's Yellow Pages.
6551 WADSWORTH, W. AUSTIN. The Hunting Diaries of W. Austin Wadsworth, M.F.H., Genesee Valley Hunt, 1876-1909.
3279 WAGNER, CAROL K. Rochester's West Side: A Pilot Study of Youth Needs and Services.
3280 WAGNER, CAROL K. Rochester's Arrested Youth, 1971.
3303 WARREN, ROLAND L. “Old Age in a Rural. Township,” pp. 155-66 in Age Is No Barrier, Report of the N.Y. State Joint Legislative Commission on Problems of Aging. (N.Y. Legislative Document no. 35, 1952)
3304 WAYNE COUNTY ACTION PROGRAM. Fifteen Thousand Challenges: A Study of the Under-Privileged in Wayne County.
6557 WHITCOMBE, DAVID R. The Bergen Swamp: A Living Museum.
3185 WHITTLESEY, FREDERICK. An Address, Delivered before the Clarkson Independent Temperance Society, at Their First Monthly Meeting, April 1, 1843.
3196 WOLF, HORACE J. "A Survey of Rochester's Blind Men and Women."
3246 WOMEN'S EDUCATIONAL & INDUSTRIAL UNION. Program and Information, 1907-1908.
3247 WOMEN'S EDUCATIONAL & INDUSTRIAL UNION. The Woman's Educational and Industrial Union of Rochester, New York, Seventy-fifth Anniversary.
3281 WOOLSTON, LOREN S. Health and Recreational Resources and Problems of Boys and Girls in the Geneseo Central School District, Livingston County, New York.
3258 YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. A Report of the Activities of the Central Branch of the Young Men's Christian Association, Rochester, New York.
3273 YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Youth Commission. Youth of Rochester: A Report of the Youth Commission ...
3305 YOUNG, E.C. “The Movement of Farm Population.”

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